Ship shaped offshore installation

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Ship-shaped offshore units are some of the more economical systems for the development
of offshore oil and gas fields and are often preferred in marginal fields. These systems
are especially attractive when developing oil and gas fields in deep- and ultradeep-water
areas and locations remote from existing pipeline infrastructures. Recently, the ship-
shaped offshore units have also been considered for application to near-shore oil and
gas terminals. This book is an ideal text and reference on the technologies for designing,
building, and operating ship-shaped offshore units, within inevitable space (and time)
requirements. This book includes a range of topics, from the initial contracting strategy
to the decommissioning and the removal of the units concerned. Coverage includes both
fundamental theory and principles of the individual technologies. This book will be useful
to students who are approaching the subject for the first time as well as designers working
on the engineering for ship-shaped offshore installations.
Дополнительное описание
Jeom Kee Paik is Professor of Ship and Offshore Structural Mechanics at Pusan National
University, Korea, and is an internationally acclaimed authority on limit-state design and
assessment of ships and offshore structures. Professor Paik has been chairman of the
working group for development of ISO code 18072 on ships and marine technology and
chairman of the International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC) Technical
Committees on Ultimate Strength, Condition Assessment of Aged Ships, and Ship Colli-
sions and Grounding. Professor Paik is editor-in-chief of the international journal Ships
and Offshore Structures (SaOS). He is a Fellow, council member, Korean branch chair-
man, and a publications committee member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
(RINA), UK, and a member of the Technical and Research Steering Committee of the
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), USA. Professor Paik is
the coauthor of Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel-Plated Structures and the author or
coauthor of more than 500 publications in refereed journals, conference proceedings,
research reports, and several book chapters.
Anil Kumar Thayamballi is Senior Staff Consultant and Engineering Advisor with a
marine consultancy group in San Ramon, California. He is a specialist in marine struc-
tural design and life-cycle care, with 25 years of broad-ranging experience in ship-shaped
structures. He has served on the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Com-
mittee for Fatigue and Fracture Reliability and on the American Petroleum Institute
Resource Group RG-4 on Structural Element Behavior. He has served on the ISSC
Technical Committee on Design Procedures and Philosophy and has served as its chair-
man. He has also served as working group chairman for the Tanker Structure Cooperative
Forum and continues to be involved in the forum activities. He currently serves on the
Marine Technology Committee of the SNAME in New York. Dr. Thayamballi is also
a member-at-large of the Structural Stability Research Council and a member of the
Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Dr. Thayamballi is the author or coauthor of more
than sixty refereed technical publications and the book Ultimate Limit State Design of
Steel-Plated Structures.